Artist info

Dear musicians, technicians etc…

Artist info is meant as a help to give you an overview of how Jelling Musikfestival is organized.

Artist info is also riders/contracts of technical character – and all specifications will be according as in the contract.

It might not be the first time you are visiting the festival, but maybe something has changed since last time. We continuous try to develop the festival with new ideas and initiative, so the festival gets even more attractive for the audience, musicians, technicians, partners, volunteers etc.

We have collected some relevant information below - please click your way thorugh - or give us a call or e-mail if you have any queations. See contact info here.

Please try to respect the described deadlines and directions – obviously, we are available for any further questions concerning the festival.

We look forward to see you!

With hopes for an great festival

The Festival Management



Find os her

Jelling Musikfestival


Byens Hus, Møllegade 10, 1.sal 
DK-7300 Jelling

Mølvangvej 66B 
DK-7300  Jelling