
Jelling Musikfestival has a nice and friendly audience, but anyway security has a very high importance.

The festival management has made a detailed emergency plan, which describes the possible risks that can occur when so many people are assembled.  

The emergency plan is a dynamic document, based from a security assessment, for the number of stage guards at each performance.

At the festival ground and at the different stages the necessary precautions are always taken.

At each performance, a team of professional stage guard will be disposal.

First-aid personnel, nurses, doctors, fire department and police will be on duty during the whole festival and all these authorities’ works closely together during the festival.

The festivals security team should be seen as a service team and they are able to estimate a risk and handle from that.


The audience is informed about the precautions the festival management has set via the festivals homepage. Besides that the festivals regulations are showed at all entrances to the festival ground.

Apart from common consideration for one other, we point out to the audience that it is not allowed to bring bottles etc. to the festival ground.

Besides that, we point out to the audience that it is not allowed to push and strive in front of stage, sitting at each other’s shoulders or be a part of moshing or slamming.
All references from security has to be followed, anything else would result in expulsion.

On stage
We point out to everyone on stage that stagediving, crowd surfing or inviting the audience to show aggressive behavior including moshing or slamming are strictly illegal.

On stage, it is the responsible head of security who entirely decides when and if the music, in case of emergency, has to be switch off. All references from head of security have to be followed.

Head of Security 

Peter Tanghus 
+45 30536314



Find os her

Jelling Musikfestival


Byens Hus, Møllegade 10, 1.sal 
DK-7300 Jelling

Mølvangvej 66B 
DK-7300  Jelling